Getting Better and Better

Hi Again,

I was supposed to do another post last night, but I just didn’t get round to it, as my bed was so inviting. But I did write down a couple of things I wanted to put up, so here it all is.

Although yesterday was a lot better than the days I’d had to deal with before, I still had flashes of how difficult it is to keep on the straight and narrow when you’re feeling ill. You know, making sure you get enough sleep, eat the right foods, get enough exercise, do enough work. I mean, I think it can all be a bit of a hassle, but when I’m unwell, it feels near on impossible.

But yesterday  I did do pretty well, which I wasn’t exactly expecting. I had breakfast, and it wasn’t a deadly unhealthy one either, just toast and fruit (and of course, tea). I then had to go up to Campus to drop off some money from the swimming sessions which I go to three times a week (the money is from the people who come with us on the minibus to the local pool, as it’s about a 20 mins drive away, so we need some help covering fuel and all that jazz). I was pretty close in just deciding not to head up, as I was still feeling fatigued and bad-tempered, especially as I saw two buses go past as I was walking to the bus stop. Fortunately one of my flatmates suddenly appeared, which stopped me from throwing in the towel for the whole day.

So I gave in the money, and headed back home pretty immediately, and proceeded to watching and re-watching cheesy movies for a couple of hours. Not a good sign  right? But hey, get this, after these two hours, I actually started work on an essay for my Energy Policy Module, and I actually did some decent and concentrated work for about an hour or so on it. I felt amazing after this, as I haven’t been able to concentrate and get so much decent work done in days, and I hope this improves more and more in the days which follow.

In the evening, I also went on a jog with one of my friends, where we managed to run about 1.8 miles, with a bit of a break in the middle, as well as running a bit uphill which was definitely a step up from the last time we ran together last Thursday. And the best part about this was that, as I woke up this morning, I did not feel as terrible as I did after jogging last week. I actually feel good, despite a bit achy in places. But hey, I have swimming tonight which will hopefully get my muscles all working properly again.

I’d just like to finish with one important aspect of my day yesterday. As I was getting ready for bed, I was pretty nervy, as there are some things I need to sort out for a Swimming competition for the club, which, through certain circumstances, has not worked out exactly as I predicted at the beginning of the week. It’s just a bit of a weight on my mind, and it certainly kept me up a bit last night, but as I could do no more about it than what I’ve already done, what more could I do?

I think that’s an important lesson to learn, that I will always try to do my best with the circumstances I’m given, but some circumstances and things which come my way may just be more difficult than others. And I can’t let that get me down too much, I just have to try to keep going in whatever way that I can.

This is the song I’ve been listening to as I’ve written up this post, and I definitely think it conveys a similar message to what I’m trying to say here: Don’t be afraid to step outside of yourself and make the changes necessary for you to be happy again.

(Artwork by ‘Art Roy Remy’)

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